In this episode, I sat down with Zaza Johnson Elsheikh, a seasoned interfaith mediator, to delve into the complexities of mediation in the context of the Sudanese conflict. Zaza shares her personal journey into interfaith mediation, sparked by an incident of bias and misunderstanding, and explores how her unique background…
In this episode, I sat down with Zaza Johnson Elsheikh, a seasoned interfaith mediator, to delve into the complexities of mediation in the context of the Sudanese conflict. Zaza shares her personal journey into interfaith mediation, sparked by an incident of bias and misunderstanding, and explores how her unique background…
In this episode of #WeCanFindAWay, I spoke with John Ford who has developed a self help app called “The Empathy Set”. We discussed with him what it means to be #conflictcompetent; how an app can help people become conflict competent; whether the development of various #apps can go beyond #selfhelp;…
Welcome to the newest episode of "Anlaşabiliriz-WeCanFindAWay"! This time, Idil Elverich sits down with Sir Rob Behrens to discuss the UK's ombudsman system, its fractured structure, and the urgent need for reform. Tune in to hear about significant cases and the challenges faced by whistleblowers. Don't miss this enlightening conversation.…
Life has changed considerably since we are no longer living in agrarian societies. While fertility rates are falling everywhere, people also live longer thanks to advances in medicine. What does this extended lifespan mean for people's conflicts later in life? In this episode, Sara Barnes explained the types of disputes…
Yürümemiz için ayrılmış olan bir yerde park etmiş bir araba çoğumuzu kızdırıyor, değil mi? İşte bu videoda araca kendimiz müdahale edersek, bunun nasıl hukuki sonuçları olur anlatılıyor. Peki aracın lastiklerini indirmek, patlatmak yahut araca başka türlü zarar vermek dışında ne yapabiliriz? Bunları da ele aldık.
The war in Gaza led to many student protests in university campuses in the US and beyond. Many universities that were involved in the protests had ombudspersons for handling conflict in campuses. Yet, we did not see them getting involved and helping stakeholders. In this episode my guest Tom Kosakowski…
Ever wondered how Turkey’s history influences its modern-day foreign policy? This episode delves into Turkey’s #mediation efforts in regions like Somalia, Balkans and other parts of the Horn of Africa that started with military presence and local communities’ requests as an honest broker. Scholar Spyros Sofos shares his research findings…
Sivil toplum kuruluşları ve diğer kuruluşlar anlaşmazlık yaşadığında yokmuş gibi mi yapar; biriktirip üstüne mi yatar; hiyerarşiden mi medet umar? STKlar için kapasite geliştirme, çatışma çözümü, değişim yönetim sistemleri gibi konularda çalışan konuğum Cihan Koral ile STKlar hangi konularda öz yardıma ihtiyaç duyuyor; kuruluşlarda kutuplaşma ve çatışma yaşandığında beraber varolma…
In this episode of my podcast WeCanFindAWay, I spoke with Gael Cochrane who works at Community Justice Scotland as a Learning, development and innovation Lead. She explained what it means to have a trauma-informed practice involving issues such as safety; choice; collaboration; empowerment and trust. She also said why this…
Sokakta hasta yahut sakat halde bulduğu hayvanlar için uğraşan birçok insan var. Bunca uğraş sonucu onların iyileştiğini görünce aynı zamanda bir ailenin onları sahiplenmesini istiyorlar. Bunu yaparken kullandıkları dil, daha önce hiç evcil hayvanı olmamış insanları bunu yapmaya nasıl teşvik edebilir? Umutsuzluk belirtmek fayda sağlar mı diye Davranış Bilimleri alanında…
In this episode of #WeCanFindAWay I spoke with Ilan Bass from UK who is a #community #mediator. He explained what community mediation is; how he got involved in it; and gave examples of community mediation cases in neighborly disputes such as noise; life style clash; pets and boundaries while also…
Bu bölümde arabuluculuk becerilerinin, kolaylaştırıcılık adı verilen süreçte nasıl kullanılabileceğini ele aldım. Kolaylaştırıcılık nedir ve şirket olsun apartman toplantısı veya işyeri olsun ne işe yarar? Bir kolaylaştırıcı eşliğinde toplantı yapmak katılımcı ve daha kolay uygulanan, kavgasız sonuçları nasıl yaratır konuştuk. Türkiye'de çevre konusunda devletle toplum arasında başvurulmuş bir projeden kolaylaştırıcılık…
Müzakere ve arabuluculuk eğitimi almak, bir kişinin kariyerinde ne tür farklı imkanlara kapı açar? Bu bölümde Aşiyan Süleymanoğlu kendi kariyerinden çeşitli örnekler verdi. Aynı zamanda, Türkiye’de son on yılda arabuluculuk kanunu sayesinde neler başarıldığına değindi. Bunlardan bir tanesi de hukuk fakültelerinde dahi okutulmayan ama aslında ülkedeki kadına karşı şiddet sorunuyla…
Released on the Centenary of the Republic of Türkiye, in this episode talked to Alper Koç who is an entertainment media lawyer. He talked about the different approaches taken to conflicts in the entertainment media business whether it is between talent and business or business to business. He gave examples…
My guest of the episode in the picture, Belinda Hopkins, the director of Transforming Conflict explained how a restorative approach through circles can help students build relationships and values at schools. This would hence help with conflicts at school whether with fellow students or teachers but also among members of…
For over 100 years, the Canadian government in cooperation with the churches has taken away indigenous children from their families never to return them. They assimilated them, changed their religion and did much more. My guest Prof. Nergis Canefe explained how this was done and after all the pain and…
Türkiye’de sık sık kişiler veya kurumlar, toplumun önemsediği konularda kamuoyu açıklaması yapar. Toplumla yaşanan bazı anlaşmazlıkları gidermek amacıyla yapılan bu açıklamalar nasıl olmalı? Kime ve neye odaklanmalı? Açıklama yapmak durumunda kalmadan ÖNCE ne yapmalısınız? Üslup ve araç nasıl seçilmeli? İşte bunları ele aldım. Buna dair yazdığım iki yazı aşağıda linklerde.…
In this episode, I interviewed the Anglo-German artist Angela Findlay who with her amazing book 'In My Grandfather's Shadow" talked about her German grandfather who was a general in the German army. She described how trauma, guilt and shame get transferred inter-generationally; how to forgive parents; what needs to be…
Mediator, trainer and activist, my guest Dr. David Silvera has been involved in developing mediation as an alternative form of dispute resolution in Israel since 1998. He explains what transformative mediation is, how it originated in America and how it utilises pragmatic, transformative and narrative theories to advance the mediation…
My guest Marina Cantacuzino is the Founder of The Forgiveness Project, an award-winning journalist, peace activist and podcaster of ‘The F Word Podcast’. Marina talks about how her charity ‘The Forgiveness Project’ was established in response to the war in Iraq and how it evolved. She also describes how to…
My guest is Colin Rule- CEO and President of, Mediator Trainer and Consultant. Colin explains how online dispute resolution systems (ODR) first came about in the late 90’s when e-commerce took off and his experiences working on disputes and building the resolution centre at eBay. With all these millions…