My guest Gemma Varona is an academic researcher a…
In this episode, my guests were two women from th…
My guest Barry O’Mahoney worked with the Irish go…
My guest Bob Bordone is an internationally recogn…
In this episode, I present two guests whose count…
My guest Jo Berry is Founder of ‘Building Bridges…
My guest Cinnie Noble is a pioneer of conflict ma…
Figen Murray, Manchester Arena bombalamasında oğl…
My guest Ailbhe Griffith is an advocate for resto…
Devletin ceza yargılaması yapmasının toplumlarda …
Geçiş dönemi adaleti nedir; nasıl ortaya çıkmıştı…
Dönüşüm koçluğu nedir; kişinin kendi değerlerini …
Kampüs veya öğrenci ombudsluğu nedir; Türkiye'de …
My guest is a retired member of the New York City…
Türkiye’de aile arabuluculuğu sık sık gündeme gel…
My guest Marina Cantacuzino is the Founder of The…
My guest Tom Kosakowski is Health Sciences Ombuds…
What led to the development of online dispute res…
Maria Volpe is a Professor of Sociology and the D…
My guest Giuseppe DePalo was the Ombudsperson for…
My guest John Sturrock is an internationally reco…
My guest Sheila Purcell is an expert and pioneer …
My guest Susan Podziba is a public policy mediato…
Barış çalışmaları nedir; çatışmalarda niye diplom…